Saturday, 13 April 2013

A Small Theatrical Interlude

These past three weeks I have not done any blog posts because I have been turning my attention to other things. Another of my hobbies is making miniature working models of theatres. I make them out of ply and MDF, hand paint them and make miniature sets and props for them.  

This is a theatre I made as a wedding present for my cousin. 

This is a smaller theatre I made for myself. 

I had a lot of fun painting the proscenium. 

A friend of mine who is also a lawyer likes my little theatres. He is heavily involved in the performing arts scene and in the past year he has been working very hard as the director of a comedy production called the "Law Revue". The Law Revue is a sketch comedy act presented by members of the Melbourne Legal Profession. It is being preformed at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival this year. All the money raised is going to the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation, to support those suffering from depression and anxiety in the Legal Profession. 

My friend asked me to help out with props for the cast. I made a few items in larger than life size out of cardboard and black paint. Some of the stuff I made includes a cloth for an "infomercial" sketch:

A death certificate:

Horns and a staff for the "Dark Lord":

A hamburger:

And a whole host of other random items. 

The show is fantastic and very funny, with some very talented actors (who managed to do all of this and still work as full time lawyers). It was a lot of fun, and I am very glad to be involved with the production!


  1. Hi Emily, isn't it fantastic when one is so healthy to be able to work fulltime, earning a nice income, and still having some enery left to do things you like to do in your own time. It's nice your collegues attribute their show to people suffering from depression and anxiety, for these are a very disabling diseases indeed. Patients often lack energy and money, their talents being hidden inside for every day and night is a struggle to overcome.
    Your mini-theatres are lovely and the assecories for the theatreplay are well done. Keep up the good work!

  2. Just love your theatres, in particular your own! It's great that the theatre group has such a worthwhile cause to support and making their props much have been a very special project!

  3. The theatres are great. They look so good with the lights on. Thanks for sharing. IndyPoppy

  4. Your talent knows no end! Thank you for sharing this other aspect of yourself. It looks like a very entertaining play. Your stages are so beautiful! Love that huge hamburger!

  5. Hello Emily,
    What a fun psoit. I LOVE your theaters. Mu next project is an opera house so your thaters are great inspiration. so beautiful!
    Big hug,

  6. Emily, what beautiful world of theaters! The wedding gift is awesome! So creative! Mini hugs, Natalia

  7. Hi Emily! Your skills are amazing and the play looks to be a real hoot! The theaters are SUPERB! Most Impressive!

