Sunday, 8 December 2013

Miniature Palladian House for a New Kitten

I am going to be getting a new little kitten next week, and so have been planning and collecting supplies for her arrival. Despite extensive searches I couldn't find a cat bed I liked. They all seem to look like giant bean bag chunky things with bad/ugly fabric. As such I decided to create my own.

I had a pile of card board outside and decided to recycle it. I wanted to use my miniature skillz to create an architecturally correct cat house which is a good hidey-hole for puss but also looks novelty.

I am particularly enamoured of the great neo-classical architecture of Palladio. Especially the Villa Chiericati.

I decided to copy it in miniature. The cat house measures 38cm square. 

There is circular door in the back of the house for puss to enter. 

I decided to replace the Palladian statuettes with neo-classical cats.

It looks surprisingly inconspicuous in the lounge room.  

The test will be whether the little cat is actually interested in it...



  1. Hi Emily! What an fantastic and original idea to make this cat house, I really hope he/she will like it too :D! Is it your own interior/furniture, which you have converted into miniature? Can it be that I've seen it in your blog posts? If so, it is fantastic and original work!!

    1. Hi there Ilona, yes I hope the cat likes it too! Yes, the full size blue chairs I have were inspiration for my miniature mid-century room, though they aren't exactly the same. Glad you like them.

  2. So cool with cat statues! Persevere if you can, it took my cat almost 3 months to start using a very nice cushion, I'd bought specially for her.
    I love the chair, it looks really comfy, wouldn't be surprised if the cat preferred the chair...

    1. Thanks for the advice. Tha cat hasn't arrived yet, so I hope if it has that house from the start it will like it. In any case a cardboard house can easily be upgraded if she doesn't!

  3. I think it's a wonderful Idea but little Kittens like to claw things..I dont think it will last very long (I just got a kitten that is now 7 weeks old and crazy I have claw marks all over my body but I wouldn't give him up for anything..he's my little sweetie *im going to trim his nails though they hurt*


  4. OMG!!! That is the cutest and best cat house/bed I have ever seen!!!! I just love it, and how adorable to be getting a kitten, I do hope for everyones sake she doesn't scratch it, it's way to purrrrrfect....; )

  5. I can't believe you made that out of card board!!! I love it!! But what I love most is the furniture you made. Absolutely stunning and not the usual that you see around.

  6. Just wondering: did the cat arrive and is the house a succes? :-)

  7. It has been my experience, that cats do not go near or use what you intend for them :D But good luck! The house is brilliant nonetheless. And I want to see photos of the kitten as well from now on! In your miniature settings too. I can just about squeeze my fat cat into the dollshouse, which I must take a photo of! She did it herself, I didn't really force her in, though I will for a photo :D Your door grime technique is really good, I thought about doing stuff like that myself, for the realism, but my own house is so grimy, I would prefer to keep the miniature house spotlessly clean, to get a break from reality :D

  8. Lovely cat house! Has the kitten decided to use it for a hidey-hole at least? We got 2 kittens this year too, but sadly the tortie was stolen and her tortie sister was also stolen from next door :((. But Max is now 10 months old and sooooo much fun! We are looking for 2 more to keep him company. I looked and looked for a cat bed that I liked and in the end bought one meant for a dog and spent hours unpicking the bone embroidered on the front lol! I wanted one that would be good for winter but not too hot for summer in Sydney. Our kittens soon abandoned their cosy bed and adopted a new blanket that I had left lying on the lounge after a snooze. And that was that! Though now with the warm weather Max has decided that one of the armchairs (with no blanket) is better. Hope you have posted photos?
