I decided my little terrace house needed some finishing touches, so I decided to try and replicate the window boxes of the real house.
I decided to make them in white, because this would stand out better on the miniature house. I used a hobby plastic strip which was square and hollow.
I cut it into small lengths. Then I cut one of the four sides off so that the lengths were three sided and open on one side. Then I cut small squares of paper to block up each side and make a tub.
Then I filled the tubs with clear drying PVC hobby glue and stuck in some little bits of shrub and flowers I bought from the hobby shop in the model train scenery section.
This part required tweezers.
The result was quite effective and realistic.
I also added a red front door for good measure. I have ordered some window shutters from a model train hobby supplier, so when they come along, the house will be quite complete!